Binance Peer-to-peer exchange (or P2P exchange) is a marketplace where people can trade crypto directly with each other on their own terms, in virtually any country. You can now buy cryptocurrencies using multiple fiat currencies with 0 transaction fees on Binance P2P! The process typically consists of 3 easy steps : Place an Order Pay… Continue reading Two Common Scams On Binance P2P and How To Protect your Crypto
Tag: p2p
What to do when your cryptocurrency is too small to sell
If you have ever bought or swapped one cryptocurrency on binance to another, you’d notice sometimes there are usually small balances left Here’s what to do if your crypto is too small to sell, convert them into BNB, here’s how to STEP 1 From the homepage, tab on WALLETS STEP 2 Navigate to your SPOT… Continue reading What to do when your cryptocurrency is too small to sell